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Results for "keyword: "adultery""
Adult Beginners A wonderfully cast dramedy about brothers and sisters, growing up, and taking responsibility.
Anna Karenina A fresh version of the classic romantic drama, set on a theater stage, that explores the choices people make for passion.
Hospitalite A comedy of manners about the ways and the means whereby power-hungry people are able to manipulate humble and kind souls.
Submarine A playful and witty take on the traditional coming-of-age dramas.
All About Love An exploration of the flair and the many different dimensions of love.
Gemma Bovery A witty French film with some enchanting fireworks between the characters.
Daring to Trust David Richo on why leading a double life is breaking trust with the other person.
All About Love Lisa Appignanesi on how the passion in adultery flourishes in secrecy.
Leaving A passionate depiction of a middle-aged woman's awakening to her long dormant erotic desires.
Change of Plans A French film about the messy and perplexing dimensions of mid-life crises and the different ways people deal with them.